Enter a URL
The URL Rewriting Tool from Smart SEO Tools helps you to rewrite the dynamic URL. It is quite flexible and user friendly. The dynamic url rewriter tool uses Apache's mod rewrite module to convert long complex dynamic URLs into search engine friendly static HTML urls.
Why it Iis nice to have clean URL's?
There could be two very strong reasons for you to rewrite your URLs. One of them is related to Search Engine Optimization. It seems that search engines are much more at ease with URLs that don't contain long query strings. URL rewite rules are used to convert dynamic URLs into search engine friendly links. These search engine friendly static URLs generally rank better in search engines and can attract more traffic as they always look more friendlier to the end users.
A URL like http://www.domain.com/4/basic.html can be indexed much easier, whereas its dynamic form, https://www.domain.com/cgi-bin/gen.php?id=1453&view;=basic, can actually confuse the search engines and cause them to miss possibly important information contained in the URL, and thus preventing you from getting the expected ranking.
With clean URLs, the search engines can distinguish folder names and can establish real links to keywords. Query string parameters seem to be an impediment in a search engine's attempt to perform the indexing. Many of the SEO professionals agree that dynamic (a.k.a. dirty) URLs are not very appealing to web spiders, while static URLs have greater visibility in their "eyes".
Static URLs are known to be better than Dynamic URLs because of a number of reasons: