RGB to Hex

RGB to Hex Color Conversion Tool

Enter red, green and blue color levels (0-255) and press the Convert button:

Red color (R):
Green color (G):
Blue color (B):
Color preview:
Hex color code:
RGB color code:
HSL color code:

RGB to Hex

RGB to Hex

RGB to HEX converter to instantly convert RGB color codes to Hexadecimal triplets, see result and copy to clipboard with one click! A RGBA and Hex Color CSS generator that helps you quickly convert and generate RGBA and Hex Color CSS declarations for your website. It comes with many options and it demonstrates instantly. What does this RGB to Hex converter do? It takes input in the form of values for Red, Green and Blue ranging from 0 to 255 and then converts those values to a hexadecimal string that can be used to specify color in HTML5/CSS3 code. Free online RGB color to hexadecimal color converter. Just load your RGB color and it will automatically get converted to a hex color. There are no popups or nonsense, just an awesome decimal RGB to hex converter. Load RGB, get hexadecimal.


How do I convert RGB values of a color to a hexadecimal string?

The RGB-to-hexadecimal converter algorithm is simple: make sure that your R, G, B (red, green, blue) values are in the range 0...255, convert R, G, B to hex strings, and then concatenate the three hex strings together. Convert RGB to Hex color values here:

RGB Input – it works both for upper and lowercase rgb or rgba codes, but you can ignore the starting rgb mark and the brackets. Make sure you add three numbers in the 0-255 range separated by commas.

HEX Input – the first field accepts values with or without the hash sign. It works for both 3 and 6 character long codes. The calculator can handle some typos too, for example when the second digit of a component is an invalid character, not in the hexadecimal range (0-F).

If you want to link to RGB to Hex page, please use the codes provided below!
The Fact!

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

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